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The Global South media on the war in Ukraine (14.04 – 21.04)

  1. Perspectives on conflict resolution

 Kompas, the most popular national newspaper of Indonesia, published on April 19 the article “The peace initiative on the war in Ukraine proposed by Brazil faces criticism”. It is stated in the article that peace proposition suggested by the Brazilian President is regarded by the EU and the US as pro-Chinese and pro-Russian, despite his recent condemnation of Russia’s invasion in Ukraine. Meanwhile, if the Brazilian approach gets implemented, it may help to  to bring hostilities to an end.

 “Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva called again for mediation to end the war, though his peace initiative was criticized by the Ukrainian government. In his speech at lunch with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, Lula suggested that a group of neutral nations should come together to help broker peace between Russia and Ukraine.

His new sugestions appeared after he had caused uproar in the Western allies of Ukraine, which were criticized by him for their approach to the war. He declared that the countries, which were providing military equipment to Ukraine, actually helped prolonging the fight. The White House accused Lula of promoting Russian and Chinese propaganda without taking into consideration the actual facts. Later the White House added Lula’s attitude lacked neutrality. In Washington, a person familiar with the matter said US officials had privately made clear the Biden administration’s displeasure with Brazilian counterparts provoked by Lula’s criticism of arming Ukraine”.  www.kompas.com/global/read/2023/04/19/215807470/usulan-inisiatif-peace-ukraine-from-brasil-harvest-criticism.

(Translated from Indonesian by Google Translate)


L’Expression, a national daily French-language Algerian newspaper,   published on April 16, the article, written by  former Minister for Energy transition and Renewable energy Chems-Eddine Chitour “The BRICS: A lever for peace” (“Les BRICS: Un levier pour la paix”). The author  argues that EU and US cannot achieve peace, because they are interested in gaining political advantages out of the conflict. It is more likely that the peace might be restored due to the efforts of BRICS countries, which strive to end the war and have the means to do it.

 “How to stop this infernal machine that keeps on destroying lives?

The calls for immediate peace are simply ignored by the Western governments and demonstrations

against prolonging the hostilities and  delivering of arm to Ukraine, that have taken place in nearly all Western capitals, did not bring any changes.

According to the famous expression of Clausewitz, “War is the continuation of policy with other means”. This fact has been recently reminded by President Xi. It was NATO’s inexorable policy of gradual encirclement, that provoked Russia’s overreaction. Because of that the hostilities cannot be stopped until there remains the factor that has started them. But instead of deescalating the conflict, which is becoming even more dangerous, the West keeps sending weapons that are supposed to intensify it. These next few months are going to be decisive, the avenging Western media keep saying that the spring offensive will allow Ukraine to recapture the Crimea. It seems that Western supporters of the war delude themselves. It has been acknowledged by the Western experts, and the Rand corporation, which is correctly regarded as a “power behind the throne”, has suggested a ceasefire scenario in its latest report”.

“Hope to end the hostilities can become a reality due to the initiatives of the BRICS countries. Both Chinese President Xi and Brazilian President Lula and even Indian Prime Minister Modi and Pope Francis are striving to find a way to peace”.

“There is an important statement than was made by the Chinese President on April 6: NATO, not China, is responsible for the crisis in Ukraine and has no moral ground to criticize the  position of Beijing“.

“China’s position has been strengthened due to the successful performance the duties of mediator in the recent reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran. It will certainly help Beijing to put forward its plan for Ukraine.

China is going to face problems with persuading Western countries in advantages of an immediate peace. Kyiv, which politely welcomed Beijing’s peace plan, urged the Chinese president to “use his influence on Moscow to put an end to the war of aggression”. But from a strategic point of view, Beijing has already succeeded in counterbalancing the warmongering discourse by the West, by the the US neocons in particular. There must be a great power in the world rising up to urge for peace and countervail the war narrative. If peace is achieved, China obtain obvious benefits, because China’s international status will rise rapidly”.

“If the war continues, the West will eventually get into get into a dangerous and difficult situation in which will wear down its current geopolitical influence. In other words, the West will be exhausted sooner or later, and Europe will be more eager than the United States to end the war, forcing Washington to come up with a peace plan”.

“India  also has a chance to become a successful mediator. Some experts point out that India has a sufficient geopolitical weight and acceptable to both Russia and Ukraine as the key mediator. By September, the greater the damage will be suffered by Ukraine on the battlefield, the more important will be the role of the countries which will be able to act as mediators.


(Translated from French by IISWU)


One of the biggest Brazilian news websites Brazill247 published on April 15 the article “Zelensky stole Ukraine from the Ukrainians to hand it over to NATO” (“Zelensky roubou a Ucrânia dos ucranianos para entregá-la à Otan”). The article concerns the suggestion for new European approach to the war in Ukraine made by Viktor Medvedchuk, a former member of parliament of Ukraine and one of the leaders of Ukrainian opposition, who was sanctioned by the Ukrainian government and expelled from the country.

Medvedchuk has been criticizing the incumbent government mainly because of its approach to the prospect of ending the war and reconciliation.

According to him, the United States, the main  beneficiary of the war, are trying to wield it not only against Russia’s interests, but also against those of Europe”. The USA not only stole Europe from

Russia, but also snatched Russia from the Europeans”.

”The American plan has a serious catch: now that Europe has been taken away from the Russians, the US are making Russian turn over to Asia, Latin America, China, Iran, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, to name just a few. This is why Russia will benefit from the turn of events, while Europe will inevitably lose”.


(Translated from Portuguese by IISWU)


  1. Economic problems caused by the war in Ukraine

 The New Times,  a national English language newspaper in Rwanda  reported on April 19 that Serbia and Rwanda signed the trade agreement on purchase of Serbian wheat and maize by Rwanda. In exchange, Serbia is planning to import Rwandan tea and coffee.

It is underlined in the article that according to Rwandan authorities, Rwanda will be able to buy Serbian corn “at affordable rates”. Thanks to that Rwanda will get the opportunity to ensure its food security      and set “reasonable” prices in internal market, overcoming the deficit of Russian grain caused by the war in Ukraine.

“The deal comes at a time when Rwanda is seeking alternative sources of wheat imports due to the disruption of the global market caused by the war between Russia and Ukraine. Before the war, Rwanda imported 64% of its wheat from Russia.”.



  1. Impact of the war on the Global South relations with China and the West

 The Argentina’s only English-language newspaper Buenos Aires Times published on April 14 the article “Xi tells Lula China’s development will create opportunities for Brazil”. It is pointed out in the article that Brasilia can benefit benefit from economic cooperation with China and strengthen its global influence by participating in Chinese  endeavor to end the war in Ukraine.

It is stressed that “Chinese leader tells Brazilian counterpart that Beijing views relations between the two countries as a diplomatic high priority“ and “China’s development would create new opportunities for Brazil”.

“Lula, who took office in January, is looking to reposition Brazil as a global go-between and deal broker, seeking friendly ties across the board after four years of relative isolation under his far-right predecessor.  “Brazil has positioned itself as a mediator in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, while China is under pressure to do more. There are concerns in the West that they are both overly cosy with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Both countries have refused to join Western nations in imposing sanctions on Russia for its invasion“.
