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Political activity, political impact of social problems and war effects (10.04-17.04 )

The shortage of the resources needed for the offensive actions and poor chances of the military success are threatening to set a trap for the incumbent government. The President and his close associates cannot reject the idea of large-scale offensive or postpone it for an indefinite period, without risking grave repercussions. The expectations of victorious…

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The Global South media on the war in Ukraine (07.04 – 14.04)

1. Perspectives on conflict resolution  The Daily Prothom Alo, one of the most popular and influential daily newspapers in Bangladesh, published on April 13 the article “A counterattack by Ukraine would be a death trap for the US and NATO”. It is assumed in the article that Ukraine does not have resources and military equipment…

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Political activity, political impact of social problems and wareffects (03.04-10.04 )

Statistical data indicate that Ukrainian economic situation, which was in an unsatisfactory condition before the war, has dramatically deteriorated.      World Bank’s recent report assets that the hostilities are making a desastrous economic and social impact. Energy infrastructure in eastern and southern Ukraine, where active combat is concentrated, has been  severely damaged and its renovation will…

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The Global South media on the war in Ukraine (24.03 – 07.04)

The Indian Express, an Indian daily newspaper, published on April 2 the article “War-crimes warrant for Vladimir Putin could complicate Ukraine peace”, warning that cessation of hostilities and negotiation between the parties may be suspended by arrest warrant issued against Vladimir Putin by ICC. It was stressed in the article that this ICC decision appears…

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Political activity, political impact of social problems and wareffects (28.03.-03.04 )

Ukraine’s political leadership seems to be highly concerned with the possible consequences of the war-weariness spreading now in the Ukrainian society. The rising fatigue might make the continuation of the war impossible. Moreover, it will endanger political future of Zelenskyy who will have to restore political competition after the hostilities are terminated.

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Political activity, political impact of social problems and war effects (20.03-27.03)

The political situation in Ukraine is currently determined by the lack of the opportunity to carry out the offensive that Zelensky promised. The anticipation of the offensive allowed to increase the willingness of society to endure the hardships of war. Now that this factor has disappeared, the government is compelled to try to find a…

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