IISWU expert group

International institute for study of the Consequences of the war in Ukraine

Projects & Assignments

Political activity, political impact of social problems and war effects

(Full version is available under subscription) A sudden demarche of Zelensky in Washington which provoked his public argument with  president Trump gave the US administration a a pretext to deny any responsibility for supporting Ukraine against the Russian aggression.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06tvV9zROps   Zelensky still wants to persuade the Ukrainian public opinion that Russia can be defeated…

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Political activity, political impact of social problems and war effects (21.11-31.12 )

(Full version is available under subscription)   There have been ambiguous signs from the Russian government about its willingness to start truce negotiations. During his briefing after the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council meeting Putin stressed several times that Russia government is ready to commence the talks and “strives to end the conflict”. Though Russia continues…

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Political activity, political impact of social problems and war effects (10.10.-20.11 )

(Full version is available under subscription)   Volodymyr Zelensky declared on November 16, that negotiations with Russia are currently a “losing option.”  The President of Ukraine  assured that the talks with Moscow will become possible if Ukraine is strong and backed up by its Western allies. https://wiadomosci.dziennik.pl/swiat/artykuly/9669678,koniec-wojny-w-ukrainie-zelenski-negocjacje-z-rosja-to-teraz-przegr.html It is hard to comprehend what Zelensky really…

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Zelensky will be made to start thinking about truce?

In last days ten days there have been a great deal of articles, expert commentaries and various forecasts in the popular media that have common ground. The Ukrainian offensive is significantly less successful than it was expected. It demands a lot of material resources and human casualties, but fails to bring the desired results. As…

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Zelensky sales dreams and services due to the lack of achievements

Zelesky’s speech in the parliament on the Constitution Day was probably intended to create an impression of confidence and determination. That seems to be the reason why he decided to speak about the brilliant future that should await Ukraine after the war. The President obviously wanted to demonstrate his conviction that Ukraine will inevitably be…

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Biden’s administration has to accept its blunder

Frederick H. Fleitz published in “The Federalist”, a popular conservative online magazine, the article in support of Richard Haass’ idea that the ceasefire in Ukraine is inevitable, even if the territory occupied by Russia is not liberated. Frederick Fleitz is an influential figure in the America First Policy Institute, a think tank closely connected with…

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Based on the fact that the international stability and security is dangerously undermined by a war in Ukraine mainly caused by inefficient decisions of political leaders proved to b unable to perceive and prevent emerging threats.

Recognizing the insufficiency of professional discussions and expert proposals the achieve the peaceful reconciliation of the war in Ukraine.

Realizing the importance of objective analysis and in-depth research of causes and consequences of the war in Ukraine for establishing sustainable and long-lasting European security system after the end of the war took the decision to found the International Institute for Study of the Consequences of the War in Ukraine (IISWU).

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